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Wahl Family Dentistry Blog

October 22, 2012

Your Assignment for Today: Chew Gum

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:11 pm

There was an interesting article about gum chewing in the New York Times on Sunday October 21, 2012.  Gum chewing helps prevent cavities because it stimulates salivary flow. The author asserts that gum chewing should therefore be encouraged in school.  A very intriguing suggestion but I can’t imagine my teachers when I was in school going for it!

From the article:

“But the best way to ensure that all children take advantage of xylitol gum is to have them chew it in school, in kindergarten and beyond. Ideally, they would chew gum three to five times a day for five minutes each time. Not only will it improve their health and school attendance; but they might actually enjoy it.”

September 18, 2012

Bathroom Graffiti

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:53 pm

My daughter Kira artistically transformed my sink. Now it’s even more fun to brush and floss!

June 11, 2012

Filling Materials

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:09 pm

Dr. Michael Wahl recently published a comprehensive review of the medical and dental literature on dental filling materials.  You can access it at
There is an editorial accompanying the article that can be accessed at

March 23, 2012

Kira Wahl Rembrandt Combines Dental Health and Art!

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:02 pm

Kira is in 4th grade at Brandywine Springs Elementary School, where she loves her art class. The art teacher there chose a few outstanding works of art by students to be displayed at a show at the Delaware Art Museum on March 22, 2012.  Her clay masterpiece is entitled “Smile,” and the show was a smashing success!  Way to go Kira!

March 22, 2012

Patient Helps Those Who Need It

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:13 pm

Jennifer Manski is a student at Penn State University, and she and her family have been patients with Wahl Family Dentistry since she was a little girl. She recently went with her school to Ghana in Afriica to do some missionary work.

She asked us to donate some toothbrushes, which she showed the children there how to use. You can see that they really enjoyed the toothbrushes and also Jennifer! Thanks Jennifer!

March 8, 2012

Kira and Leah Get Into a Fight

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:38 pm

Everyone thinks my daughters Kira and Leah are little angels, and they usually are, but they got into a fight yesterday, and I caught it on my phone.

March 6, 2012

Rise In Preschool Cavities

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:01 pm

Today’s New York Times has a story about the rise in preschool cavities that is very interesting. It confirms the importance of good oral hygiene in children. If children are too young to brush properly, then parents should supervise and/or brush their children’s teeth at least two times per day, especially before bed. Also, children should never be put to bed with a bottle unless it has plain water in it. Anything else (juice, milk, etc.) can cause rampant “baby bottle caries.” See the full story here.

January 13, 2012

Kira and Leah Show Good Brushing Technique!

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:12 pm

December 28, 2011

Happy New Year!

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:00 pm

Dr. Mike’s daughters, Kira and Leah, want to wish everyone a Happy New Year from everyone at Wahl Family Dentistry!

December 13, 2010

Interesting Article on Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatments

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:52 pm

There was an interesting article on treatments for snoring and sleep apnea in the December 10, 2010 New York Times “Snoring: What To Do When a Punch in the Shoulder Fails.” The article describes a 43-year-old woman who had a snoring problem and difficulty sleeping. She tried various sleeping methods to eliminate snoring until finally, her dentist made her a snore guard, a very simple and relatively inexpensive solution, which has helped her. I (Dr. Mike) wear a snore guard every night and Tina loves it! You may find out more about snore guards here or you may ask us about them.

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