Ouch! The truth hurts, especially when it’s brutal honesty from your kid. Check out the story behind this hilarious letter from honest to a fault Alex to his parents.

July 18, 2017
You Need To Read This 11-Year-Old’s Hilariously Brutal Letter From Camp
July 12, 2017
Leah’s watch breaks at camp!
Leah is having a great time at Camp Tockwogh but her watch broke so she placed it in a regular envelope with her letter.
July 5, 2017
Noah Steals the Show!
Our hygienist Sue’s nine-year-old Noah Gallion attended Candlelight Theater Camp in Arden for two weeks practicing every day for his performance as “Rooster” in Annie Jr.
He seemed like a natural on stage and loved the part. We expect Hollywood to be calling for him soon!