We are very proud of Dr. Peggy’s daughter Zoe, as she flips out off the diving board! Way to go Zoe!

July 21, 2016
Watch Zoe flip off the diving board!
July 19, 2016
Hugging Newark cops wins national recognition
Hugs are winners
And so is a photo of Newark police hugging people along Main Street, according to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office). The office, a component of the U.S. Department of Justice responsible for advancing community policing practices, announced Thursday that the image of Newark police Cpl. James Spadola and Officer Aaron Olicker giving free hugs last year was among the 12 winners of the COPS Office 2016 Community Policing in Action Photo Contest.
“While community policing has been a focus of the Newark Police Department for many years now, the recognition of our department by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) is a great honor and something for our community to be proud of,” said Carol Houck, Newark’s city manager.
Read the full article here!
July 13, 2016
Dr Mike cited by Christiana Care and by Delaware Today as a top dentist.
Dr Mike has been volunteering at the General Practice Residency program at Christiana Care since 1986. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with the dental residents. He was recently cited as one of 17 Christiana Care Medical-Dental Staff among Delaware Today’s Top Dentists.
Leah writes home from Camp Tockwogh
Kira and Leah love going to overnight camp at Camp Tockwogh on the
Chesapeake in Maryland every year. Here is Leah’s latest letter home from

July 10, 2016
July 9, 2016
Do dentists have the highest suicide rate?
Ever since I wanted to become a dentist decades ago, people have told me that dentists have the highest suicide rate. I love my profession and my life and do not have any suicidal thoughts. I have since learned that there may have been a study supporting that thesis, but that it was a very small and flawed study, and that actually suicide rates among dentists are similar to suicide rates among other professionals.
Now the CDC has released a study showing that farmers, lumberjacks, and fisherman have the highest suicide rates. From CBS news: Dentists, doctors and other health-care professionals had an 80 percent lower suicide rate than the farmers, fishermen and lumberjacks.