Corey Roca (Dr. Mike’s stepson) is one of the country’s leading Yu-gi-oh card players. He consistently does well in many of the card tournaments up and down the east coast. Here he is interviewed about the intricacies of the game at a card tournament in Charlotte, where he finished in the top 16. Although I can’t really understand the stuff he’s talking about, he seems to know a lot about the topic. I also frequently tell Tina that Corey is lucky to have inherited my good looks.

May 26, 2016
Corey shares some Yu-gi-oh tips
May 25, 2016
Angie switches son at age 2!
Our hygienist Angie and her husband Warren Sr. have a beautiful son Warren, Jr., who plays on the Smyrna Clayton Ducks soccer team that Angie’s husband coaches. You can see Warren Jr. (the cute blonde-haired boy) standing next to his dad in the team photo. Well, unfortunately, the youngster hasn’t been playing very well so Angie and Warren Sr. decided to trade him for another boy who scores more goals (seen in the picture on the right).
May 23, 2016
Lunchtime at the office
One of our dental assistants has been working too hard! I won’t say his name, but his initials are Attila.
Kira continues with volleyball.
Kira just finished the year with the Delaware Volleyball Academy 13 and under travel team. She made a lot of new friends and is going to continue with volleyball over the summer. Well done Kira!
May 21, 2016
Zoe dives in!
Dr. Peggy’s daughter Zoe is a very good student, fiddler, and swimmer. Here she demonstrates an excellent back dive. I give her a 10.0! Way to go Zoe.
May 17, 2016
Mom fails trying to surprise daughter at Utah State University in her dorm
(KUTV) — Here’s what happens when parents try to pretend they are cool, 18, and still think they can surprise you by showing up at your dorm by posting a selfie while laying your bed — only it’s not your bed… or even your dorm.
That’s what happened to McKenna Pilling, the 18-year-old freshman from New York City, attending Utah State University.
momma pilling at it again.
— McKenna Pilling (@kennapilling) 8:01 PM – 5 May 2016
Her mom planned to travel all the way across the country to surprise her with a visit. Only problem was, mommy Pilling didn’t know her daughter moved out of her dorm for the semester.
“No one was in there so she laid down for five minutes in the wrong bed and decided to send me a picture as a surprise,” Pilling told Buzzfeed.
Only it was the mom who got the real surprise after she realized her mistake.
Mom posted a selfie from a bed saying “Look where I am! Where are you?”
Pilling responds back, “Where’s that?? I’m in my dorm. Please tell me you’re not in someone else’s dorm.”
The mom sheepishly replies, “I am in the wrong dorm omg.”
At that moment Pilling said her mom immediately felt sick to her stomach and ran out of the wrong room.
Pilling took at screen shot of the text message exchange on May 5 and tweeted it. By Monday, four days later, the tweet received more than 13,000 retweets and 28,000 likes.
It looks like Pilling is less embarrassed of her mom and rather more proud of her going viral on social media.
Pilling and her friends can’t stop laughing about how much exposure the photo has gotten. The only regret from her mom at this point is “I wish I would’ve taken a better picture,” she told Buzzfeed.
Shout out to momma pilling for being hilarious and going viral on Twitter. Happy Mother’s Day, love you.
— McKenna Pilling (@kennapilling) 7:10 PM – 8 May 2016
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We will miss you Quiana!
Quiana started at Wahl Family Dentistry over 5 years ago, and I have had the privilege to work closely with her and watch her grow from a somewhat shy girl into a confident and excellent dental assistant, very competent and caring with her patients. The newer assistants have benefited from her knowledge of clinical dental assisting, which she has been generous to share. Her last day at Wahl Family Dentistry was May 12, 2016. Quiana we wish you the best and we know your journey through life will be filled with many more great achievements. Thank you for the wonderful care you have provided our patients over the years.
Ten year anniversary dinner celebration
On Monday May 16, 2016, the whole office celebrated three ten-year anniversaries. Dental assistants Crystal and Michelle and our endodontist Dr. Pat were honored by all the employees of Wahl Family Dentistry at a very nice Bertucci’s dinner organized by Tina. Thank you Crystal, Michelle, and Dr. Pat for serving our patients so well over the years.
May 6, 2016
47 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions yearly in the United States
CBS News reports that a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association has shown that there are about 47 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions yearly in the United States. These unnecessary antibiotics put patients at risk for allergic reactions and antibiotic-resistant infections. You can be assured that the dentists at Wahl Family Dentistry prescribe antibiotics for our patients only after carefully evaluating each situation to ensure that the benefits will outweigh the risks of doing so.
Here are 7 dangerous myths about antibiotics, as reported by CBS News.