Our patient Cora is a second grader at Carrcroft Elementary School and one of our most adorable patients. She was kind enough to sing the Carrcroft Elementary song for us at her recent visit. She tells us that she has participated in several talent shows, and now we see why!

August 29, 2014
August 21, 2014
August 18, 2014
Wilmington Dental Office in 1900
During the presidential election of 1900, this picture was taken of Market Street in Wilmington, which shows the dental office of Dr. FC Smith. Dr. Pat found this photo in the Delaware Public Archives.
Jonas Wahl featured in Wilmington Music School Marketing
Fiddler Jonas Wahl, a second grader at Mount Pleasant Elementary School and the youngest son of Drs Pat and Jean Wahl is prominently featured playing his fiddle in the marketing materials for the Wilmington Music School. He’s such a good-looking boy (his good looks and smile are obviously from his mother) that I think the Music School’s enrollment will double!
August 11, 2014
John D. Rockefeller On His Life
John D. Rockefeller was a fascinating man who lived a long and interesting life. Ron Chernow’s biography of him Titan is probably the best biography I’ve ever read, and I highly recommend it. Rockefeller wrote the following poem at the age of 86 to sum up his life.
I was early taught to work as well as play,
My life has been one long, happy holiday;
Full of work and full of play—
I dropped the worry on the way—
And God was good to me everyday.
August 8, 2014
Leah Loves Her New Glasses!
Leah was excited to get her first pair of prescription eyeglasses after her eye exam by her ophthalmologist Uncle John Wahl, MD.
August 7, 2014
Wahl Family Dentistry nominated for Readers’ Choice Award
Wahl Family Dentistry was nominated for the 2014 Readers’ Choice Award for Best Dentist. Thank you to all our awesome patients who have voted for us, and we hope to win this award. Please vote early and often!