The New York Times has reported on a large placebo-controlled study published in The Lancet that has shown no benefit of acetaminophen versus placebo in patients with back pain. But the author of the study pointed out that acetaminophen has been shown to work for toothaches or post surgical pain, “but the mechanism of back pain is different and poorly understood.”

July 24, 2014
July 23, 2014
Dying Father Takes Family to Disneyland 1 Last Time
Diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and with only about four months to live, Michael Reyes decided that cancer was not going to kill his spirit to live, and was able to take his family to Disneyland as his dying wish.
July 21, 2014
FDA Warns Against Use of Caffeine Powder That Caused the Death of Lorain County Teen
See the full story here.
July 17, 2014
July 16, 2014
School Open Houses
We are fortunate that our kids go I great schools and have fantastic teachers. Kira is now going into 7th grade at Brandywine Springs School and Leah is going into 4th grade at Claymont Elementary School. Even though they have great teachers and schools, I have never liked open houses that the teachers have in the beginning of the year for parents of all the children.
Kira was recently cleaning her room and found this picture I drew for Kira (and hid in her desk for her to find the next day) while attending the open house for her class at the beginning of 5th grade. Her teacher was one of her (and our) favorite teachers Ms. Szymanski, who later won Teacher of the Year for the whole state. My dad (Dr. Mervin) used to leave the same type of notes for me when I was a kid. I guess he found the open houses to be uninteresting too!
July 7, 2014
Kira and Leah Help at the Office
Kira and Leah enjoyed helping out at the office on Thursday July 3. Thanks girls!