Leah was off school yesterday and came in to the office to help Krystle and the other assistants with sticking supplies. Leah and Krystle secretly taped some toy bugs to the inside of Stacey’s locker. Stacey was very surprised!

November 27, 2013
November 25, 2013
November 21, 2013
November 19, 2013
Principles of Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing for Bacterial Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics today (November 18, 2013) released their report “Principles of Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing for Bacterial Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Pediatrics,” which explains that most upper respiratory infections are viral and require no antibiotic therapy.
More than 1 in 5 visits to a physician result in an antibiotic prescription, for about 50 million antibiotic prescriptions in the US. As many as 10 million of these are for respiratory infections of viral origin, where the antibiotic is unlikely to provide any benefit and may cause harm in the form of the emergence of antibiotic-resistance or other unintended side-effects.
Similarly, most dental infections heal with simple dental treatment, and antibiotics are usually not necessary to aid healing. The dentists at Wahl Family Dentistry carefully weigh the risks versus the benefits of medications before determining that a medication is necessary. If antibiotics are necessary, we can can usually dispense the necessary pills right in the office, and there is no charge for them.
November 18, 2013
Vicky Gets Cat Litter Cake
Vicky loves her cats so Robin made a very realistic “cat litter cake” for Vicky’s birthday, complete with litter scoop and “tootsie roll poop”! Great job Robin and happy birthday Vicky!
Corey Passes Cosmetology Boards The First Time!
Dr. Mike’s stepson (and Tina’s son) Corey Roca recently graduated from Schilling-Douglas School of Hair Design. He also passed part 1 and part 2 of the cosmetology boards on the first attempt. Now that he has his license, he will have to get a job. Congratulations Corey and welcome to the real world!
About Our Blog’s Followers: Sherry
Our blog has many followers, and for that we are very grateful. We are going to start featuring some of our readers in blog entries. If you would like to be featured, just let us know. For our inaugural feature, we have Sherry Welch, an avid reader of theWahlFamilyDentistry.com blog.
Occupation: Assistant Office Manager, insurance processing
Employer: Wahl Family Dentistry
Family: Husband Kyle and 2-year-old daughter Claire, another baby on the way.
When I usually read the blog: “Whenever I’m really bored, and there’s nothing else to do.”
What I like best about the blog: “I’m in charge of the Facebook account for our office so when I’m feeling really lazy, I can just lift the blog entries over to Facebook. It’s awesome!”
What people don’t know about me: “I have a really short temper, and my husband and I have been in some epic fights.”