Dr Mike took everyone to Macaroni Grill to celebrate Angie’s 10-year anniversary as a dental hygienist at Wahl Family Dentistry. Here is Angie and Dr Mike with Angie’s parents, her husband Warren and their newest addition Warren Jr (actually the fourth). We are so lucky to have Angie, an excellent hygienist who is beloved by her patients as well as the rest of the staff.

August 29, 2013
August 26, 2013
Drs Mike and Peggy and Families Enjoy an Afternoon in West Chester
Drs Mike and Peggy (who lives in West Chester) and their families enjoyed lunch at the fine West Chester restaurant Limoncello before going to the West Chester YMCA to go swimming at the outdoor pool.
August 23, 2013
Our Patient Vinnie Moore Jams With Peter Frampton
Vinnie Moore is a famous rock guitarist and the brother-in-law of our office manager Susan. He’s also our patient. He’s been featured in Guitar Player magazine, and he has opened for the Canadian band Rush. His first professional work was playing guitar for a national Pepsi commercial. You can find out more about Vinnie at VinnieMoore.com.
Although with his good looks and long hair, he looks like a rock and roll musician, he is extremely modest, easygoing, and a family man to his wife Lisa and two sons in Newark. He recently was invited by Peter Frampton to play at Music Fest in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where this picture of the two of them jamming was taken. Keep rockin’ Vinnie!
Dr Mike and Family Visit the Great Wolf Lodge
Dr Mike, Tina, Kira, and Leah visited the Great Wolf Lodge and had a lot of fun at the waterpark. Kira and Leah loved their Kid Kamp room too.
August 19, 2013
Dr Jean and Alyssa Welcome New Dental Assistant
Dr Jean and her assistant Alyssa enjoyed working with our newest dental assistant, 5-year-old Tylire Wynn, who helped with an excellent patient, Tylire’s brother Traimeir Flowers. Great job Tylire and Traimeir!
August 16, 2013
Leah Has New “School ‘Do,” Courtesy of Corey
Leah shows off her new hairdo that her brother Corey did. It was a double-process cut and color. It looks as good as a triple-process to me. Leah loves it although she is a little concerned that her school may require her to go back to her natural color. Great job Corey!
The Dr. Oz Show
Dr Oz is a local boy (he went to Tower Hill School) who has made it big. He now has his own television show “The Dr Oz Show.” He sometimes talks about dental topics, including dental amalgam fillings and dental x rays. Much of what he says on dental topics, however, is either off the mark or downright false. You can see critiques of his comments here, here, and here.
Corey and Dr Mike take in the Eagles-Panthers Preseason Game
Dr Mike and Corey enjoyed watching the Eagles defeat the Panthers in a Thursday night preseason game as a birthday/graduation gift for Corey.