Kira and Leah enjoy doing their back handsprings on the trampoline. I think I would break my neck if I tried that.
April 11, 2013
April 9, 2013
“Be True to Your Teeth or They’ll Be False to You.”
We recently made this beautiful set of dentures for this patient.
April 1, 2013
Dental X-Rays and Cancer
Dr Mike Barr is an excellent cosmetic dentist in Florida with whom Pat and I are friendly. He has a very good blog, and he recently wrote a post on dental x rays and cancer. Here’s an excerpt:
“The truth is that dental x-rays are the LOWEST source of ionizing radiation from medical AND natural sources. A series of four check-up bitewings is the same as a 2-hour flight in a passenger jet. Likewise, the radiation you receive by living inside a concrete block house (most modern houses in Florida) for one year, is about the same as you get from a Full Mouth Series (18 films) of dental x-rays. A chest CT scan is 700 times the radiation of a dental x-ray. These are verifiable, measurable facts.”
You can read the whole post at the link below: