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April 11, 2013

Kira and Leah “Flip Out!”

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:51 pm

Kira and Leah enjoy doing their back handsprings on the trampoline. I think I would break my neck if I tried that.

April 9, 2013

“Be True to Your Teeth or They’ll Be False to You.”

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:42 pm

We recently made this beautiful set of dentures for this patient.

April 1, 2013

Dental X-Rays and Cancer

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:24 pm

Dr Mike Barr is an excellent cosmetic dentist in Florida with whom Pat and I are friendly. He has a very good blog, and he recently wrote a post on dental x rays and cancer. Here’s an excerpt:

“The truth is that dental x-rays are the LOWEST source of ionizing radiation from medical AND natural sources. A series of four check-up bitewings is the same as a 2-hour flight in a passenger jet. Likewise, the radiation you receive by living inside a concrete block house (most modern houses in Florida) for one year, is about the same as you get from a Full Mouth Series (18 films) of dental x-rays. A chest CT scan is 700 times the radiation of a dental x-ray. These are verifiable, measurable facts.”

You can read the whole post at the link below:

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